With every journey, the founder of WOLFBOX explores the unknown beauty that lies ahead. Whether it's the joy of scenic views, the companionship of fellow travelers, or the satisfaction of a smooth arrival, each trip brings its unique happiness. However, unforeseen accidents can occur during the journey, and no one is exempt. WOLFBOX strongly believes that a shared aspiration among all travelers is the ability to travel safely and joyfully. We aspire to contribute to this by offering high-definition recorders that are not only reliable and user-friendly but also provide a sense of security to travelers. Our goal is to empower them to navigate incidents calmly and to capture and cherish the beauty they encounter. We want travelers to enjoy their journeys to the fullest, feeling both secure and able to document their unique experiences. At WOLFBOX, we are dedicated to making every travel experience a source of relief and joy.

Who We Are

WOLFBOX is the world’s leading auto parts technology manufacturing company. As the first pioneer in the driving recorder market, with more than ten years of industry experience and product hard power built by word of mouth, the founding team has developed WOLFBOX rapidly into a multinational service organization integrating R&D, production, and sales.

Our Story

WOLFBOX firmly believes that the essence of technological development is to serve people. Backed by an expert team of engineers, upholding an ingenious R&D attitude and a humanized innovation concept, constantly polish every update and iteration of the product, every detail of the product will fully meet the needs of users. Based on safety travel, WOLFBOX continues to explore the imaginary boundaries of auto parts technology, to bring customers a comfortable and reassuring experience through trips.

Our Mission

Safely guard every driving trip, to make every one of the worlds enjoy the technology brought traveling fun.

Our Vision

Explore a blend-beauty world between people and technology,to make safe driving as easy as breathing.